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Kitchen Community

Cooking Classes

NO WASTE – cucina povera

A hands-on, 5hr masterclass for a group of up to 6 people, at a date of your choice. Learn how to turn seasonal produce, by-products and the humblest ingredients into unforgettable meals, that won’t break the budget. Email now to enquire and book.

VEG PRESERVATION – the season’s glut in a jar

A hands-on, 5hr masterclass for a group of up to 6 people, at a date of your choice. Learn how to preserve the best from this season to enjoy next season. Email now to enquire and book.

CRUST- bread and things that go on it

A hands-on, 5hr masterclass for a group of up to 6 people, at a date of your choice. Learn how to make sourdough, focaccia, butter, jam, relish and what to do with stale bread. Email now to enquire and book.